domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010

Teenager's Diary 0

Day Zero: Dead
..."Welcome to Lächerlich Land, it's zero o'clock", he said. I was being teleported to another world, getting immerse into a ridiculous land, where time doesn't exist. But now it does, because I created it with my words. Though objectively it does not exist, because clocks don't actually work. Maybe the they are deactivated.
He explained to me that this is a challenge, a game you play in order to be released to the real world, to be able to return to your natal place. This place was a meeting for strangers who defer from their origin, from different worlds, different forms. It was an experiment, one of those which no one knows the result. The omnipresent light solely allowed me to descry a few silhouettes, shapes that seemed unkown to me. I'm present here, advocating my attention to capture this complex scenario of excessive lightful darkness.
Now I'm able to comprehend, now I understand all this dream. It is the real world. I mean I'm awake right? The visions that entity made me experience were an exaggeration of my world. My thoughts were absurd, my feelings completely discordant to the situations. I felt repulsion, hate, love, joy, at the same time. It was everything timeless. Now that I'm here, everything seems infinite, but at the same moment I'm afraid to lose it. Fearless, fearful. What is this all about, masked sorrowful creatures? Through your uncovered eyes fear arises. You are dead already, aren't you? Take off your masquerade. "We are you" they said. They said they were me, therefore I'm them. "That's the mirror" said Lächerlich. The mirror? "That's the universe, they're watching to you, imitating what is and always have been" That's not me, I replied. No answer, I thought this was also an illusion.

domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

Teenagers Diary IV

Day One: Awake
Nausea! That is what I felt. All this experiences, all this thoughts, every piece of time was an illusion, every object was synthetic. My eyes filled with red, my stomach was completely displeased with that thought that appeared when I returned from the dream. Lächerlich and the old woman were in front of me, watching my face which inspired repulsion against them. They didn't seem to care about it, they were laughing because of the joke. Pigs falling from the sky, people thinking that pig remains come from heaven, museums being destroyed by globe explosions... A complete waste of life!
Lächerlich said to me "Now I approach to you, esperando que de alguna vez por todas empieces a ser lo que siempre has sido, it's not enough to pretend it. La condición humana ha corrompido tu alma, y yo la he corrompido más aun. Now you're more human, más de aquí. ¡Dime acaso si importa! Absolute ignorance doesn't exist, ¿o sí? Pero si que existe la inocencia, ¿y de qué sirve? si de todas formas eres esto y aquello, por qué no serlo nada más. Entonces eres lo que yo he hecho de ti y ahora serás parte del Todo que yo he creado en mis tierras. Welcome to Lächerlich."
I think he was trying to tell me that he was a very nice man. He was smiling in an overstated manner, but I realy could not understand, except for the welcome. I can't speak that language, he's making unnecesary assumptions with me, or probably he's trying to confuse me with such incoherent words. The old woman was so damned sickly looking at me that I took a rancid knife and killed her. What was that?! The old woman is still looking at me. ¿Lächerlich? "Cuan aberrante suena la combinación de ambos lenguajes convocados simultáneamente", What did you say? I asked him. He didn't answer.

martes, 31 de agosto de 2010


The journey begins when I decide to buy an AirAero Planes flight ticket. I was there at the ticket shop waiting for someone to appear while I suddenly noticed people begun to stop beholding like zombies the roof at the waiting room. There was a mess on the ground, but some of them were still dead alive. An old man turned on his radio, another one his portable TV, after a second from the disaster. The mess didn’t distract them at all from their daily routines, some of the ones who didn’t posses those device replacements had a neck ache for a while when they realized they were at an airport.
A very bizarre idiot appeared, and said to me: “Hello. May I help you?” I said to him: “What the…?” And he answered: “Hello. May I help you?” I never understood why he said the same thing. Anyway I bought the super ticket and I went on my own to Lächerlich Land. I really enjoyed travelling because there is a Lächerpiano, an Aquarium and all those beautiful stories.

lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010

Teenager's Diary III

Day DCLXVI: Setaceous Pigs II
¡Better off to die! Apocalyptic stuff started to occur. When those pigs were destroyed by the jet engine something strange was released beside the hemoglobin rain. It was some sort of nothing when the plane exploded. I couldn't see it clearly because of the constant glows. The only thing I was able to appreciate were red fireworks. Although some people rescued themselves from the spectacle, some of them didn’t do it so well. I’m saying this because suddenly a very reckless hand remain stroke my shoes from nowhere. And of course I had to clean my shoes. My shoes are very expensive, very very expensive. That’s why I hate pig explosions. Anyway I know this may sound frivolous but you know, I love consumerism. It’s my passion; you must have some kind of mental disease if you think that consumerism is not good, it does not matter because I have a big TV set, and if you begin to argue about this, well I’m going to pig explode your beautiful shopping stores. I’m just joking, I can’t destroy such thing, it is not possible at all. I’m not going to commit suicide, if I destroy them I die. Who cares? Then let’s send another pig globe to the air, let’s see if now they are able to destroy the DCLXVI Museum.

domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010

Teenager's Diary II

Day Two: Setaceous Pigs
Lächerlich told me to tell you a very interesting story. It has no name, but does it matter after all? It is about his life, he died when he was born. How? You may be asking. Shut up, we don’t need to know. Do we? Maybe we do. So then keep asking yourself until you die because there is no explanation for such thing. Lächerlich is still alive; he arose from underneath the shadows. What shadows? Again! Stop asking stupid questions. I don’t know, he died when he was born. Excuse me I have dementia. Well, there were two pigs dancing in the sky, but an airplane transformed them in blood particles. What particles? What airplane? What color is it? What shape is it? Is it flying or is it placed over the ground? Do I know? No. Then I’m not going to explain that. The pigs were descending… Every second nearer to the streets. Faces everywhere, how annoying, anyway they were covered by blood, and as you can expect a masquerade of flesh. People were tasting and tasting hemoglobin from heaven, they realized that a thing like that should have came from a beautiful place.

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010

Teenager's Diary I

Day One: Lächerlich I
Darkness evolves through every step given while returning from the Fat Belly workout at the local gym. I really enjoyed the workout; it seems that I lost 5 pounds tonight. I felt very happy with myself when Frivol told me I was in correct shape after all the effort made throughout the year.
I was walking on my way to get to home. Suddenly the mist of the night seemed to be very condensed; I can’t really descry what was hidden among that wall, there are hidden forms behind those gray shadows, and those become completely senseless, their color banishes in front of my sight.
While I’m getting closer to my destiny, I can perceive the frozen cold of an eye drown in blood which felt from nowhere. I begun to feel very tense, I acknowledged that something strange was going on at the moment I distinguished a silhouette disguised with a white clown masquerade.
After a moment, I saw a boy that seemed to be playing with an imaginary friend. An old woman appeared throughout shadows and gave the child a masquerade. She told him:
-Give me your eyes.
-Are you a scavenger?
-Look! There is Lächerlich, the hypnotizer.
She replaced her putrid eyes by the child’s ones, grabbing them with her underworld claws.
Her face was rotten because of time, and by leprosy. Her necrotic face inspired nothing to Lächerlich, because he was a leper too. Their flesh was being detached from their faces every second.
I realized that, when I begun to see the mist, and all of this uncommon things started to happen, that I was being hypnotized by Lächerlich. 
Have you ever been hypnotized by Lächerlich? He makes you feel the pain of a leper. He makes you see how your skin is being rotten and burned by fire.

domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010

Advertising's Ultraviolence

Publicity’s objective is to stimulate the need to consume; teenagers and children represent a very important quantity as market puppets.
Advertising is a very powerful factor when dealing with education. Several studies reflect that countries where television is highly demanded, children from fifth and sixth grade can recall more beer names than historical dates. There is a clear link between certain programs, advertising and some music videos, with the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and drugs generally among adolescents. This phenomenon may decrease intellectual skills that obviously lead to school problems.
Also, studies indicate obesity prevalence as directly related to the increased time spent watching television among children and adolescents aged 6-17 years. This is produced because watching television is a passive activity, and many viewers consume various products rich in calories while watching TV.
Children and adolescents who are frecuently exposed to excessive violence on TV tend to be more aggressive. Sometimes, watching a single violent program can increase such condition. When they watch shows where ultraviolence is very realistic, frequently repeated or unpunished, are most able to imitate what they see.
Advertising is dangerous for children and teenagers, inflicting in education, relationships with their parents and teachers, sexuality, fashion, food and social behavior.